World Cup 2020 Player Profile: Kelvin NG
Team Hong Kong will be competing in the IQA Quidditch World Cup in Richmond, USA on 18 and 19 July this year! Team Hong Kong consists of 25 players, and the coaching and managing team. We will introduce the 25 players one by one on This time, we are pleased to introduce Kelvin NG, the player who caught our first-ever snitch in our win against Finland in the last World Cup.

Name: Kelvin NG Wai Hei (based in Hong Kong)
Quidditch experience: 3 years
How and why did you start playing quidditch?
My friend Keith JONES invited me to play quidditch in Hong Kong. Also, I watched a film, “The Internship” - there was a scene playing quidditch which made me curious about how to play this sport in real life. And I am still playing it now!
I played for Seoul Puffskeins as a "mercenary player" in the first-ever quidditch match in Hong Kong in January 2018 and we won the match by winning 2 out of 3 games.
What is your favourite quidditch memory?
My favourite quidditch memory is my first snitch catch in the IQA Quidditch World Cup 2018, and this snitch catch made us, Team Hong Kong, won the first game in the World Cup! The most exciting thing was that the game was on live stream, and my family and friends could see how we won that game!
How do you feel about playing for Team Hong Kong? What are your hopes or expectations for the World Cup?
Of course, I am honoured to represent my country to compete in the national level tournament. This time, Team Hong Kong is much stronger and better compared to the last World Cup, so I have greater expectation towards our teammates. Having said that, most importantly, I hope that everyone will enjoy the games!
Who is your favourite teammate and/or opponent to play with/against?
Fraser POSFORD and Thomas AU Ying Yau are players I would like to play with as teammates. They are clever, skilled and reliable. They are my former teammates in the last World Cup and I enjoyed playing with them so much!
I played with AU in two Edo Quidditch Cups (in 2019 and 2020) in Tokyo, Japan, and the Asia-Pacific Quidditch Cup 2o19 in Seoul, South Korea, representing teams from Hong Kong. These are great memories and I look forward to playing with AU again soon.

What’s your quidditch hype song?
Midsummer Madness by 88Rising. It's a good song for summer, and for listening with your teammates.
What inspires you to be a better quidditch player?
My motto: always be better than yesterday.
Do you have any pre-match rituals/superstitions?
Keep singing in my head!